ONA Surveys Help Manual
ONA Surveys Help

1. Creating an Account

2. Setting up the Survey

3. Managing the Survey

4. Import data into visualization software

4.1. Importing and visualizing

5. Managing your ONA Surveys Account Details

6. Privacy Statement


4. Importing data into visualization software

4.1. Importing and Visualizing in to Netdraw.

Here we very briefly explore how you would import the *.vna file format into Netdraw and display your ONA map. We strongly recommend that you download our Basic Guide to Netdraw which provides a step-by-step jargon free introduction to Netdraw. The guide is based on our demo file which is freely available.

  • Open Netdraw and load the file (click on 'File', select *.vna fileformat, then browse to locate file).

  • Now click on the lightening bolt to generate the map.

  • The file is exported such that by default each 'node' (the circle representing an individual) is given a number.

  • If you want to display names you can change the node label in Netdraw by clicking on Properties / Nodes / Labels / Text.